The left has long had some kooky ideas. We’ve seen Play-Doh parties for grownups and soap bottles made to look like pear-shaped women. Their latest act of silliness? Some leftist hipsters in Brooklyn are marketing an Elizabeth Warren action figure. For realsies… If you envision likely 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth "Liawatha" Warren as a “defiant hero” fist-pumping for women and progressive power, then there is a Kickstarter campaign for you. FCTRY, a Brooklyn-based design center, tells Secrets that they are using a Warren doll to raise money for her 2018 Senate reelection campaign via Kickstarter effort that begins June 6. “On June 6th, we’re excited to be launching a new Kickstarter campaign for the Elizabeth Warren action figure,” Jason Feinberg, the CEO and creative director of FCTRY. he added, “Our mini-Warren is in full defiant hero mode, with an empowered fist raised in the air.” What the heck, guys? There’s no tomahawk for cutting Republicans, Indian feather hat or Trump’s combover-ed scalp to be found. Do you even action figure, bro? Sorry guys, but this toy is a dud. All I’m looking at is an elderly communist with aryan features in a pantsuit. That’s not to say there isn’t an excellent product hiding in there somewhere. Allow me to give you my concept for the ultimate Fauxcahontas action figure. Here goes nothing… “They tried to brush her off. They tried to keep her down. Nevertheless, she persisted. Look out girls and non-binary genderqueers. It’s a bird…It’s a plane…It’s Elizabeth Warren! That’s right comrades. Every leftist’s favorite money-grabbing race fraud can now be yours in action figure form! She comes complete with tax-raising action, a buckskin pantsuit, and the bloodied scalps of Senate Republicans hanging from her neck. Push the button on her arrow quiver and she’ll shrilly scold you for not paying your fair share. It’s the hottest thing since Sharia Barbie. Do your part to combat the scourge that is American capitalism and buy it now!” On a serious note, you know there’s desperation afoot when leftists are resorting to capitalism to push a socialist candidate. Leftists, if your goal is to win elections, making sure your ideas are tip-top is the most important thing. Not immortalizing your faux-Indian princess in plastic for future lesbian feminist tykes to play with. Thanks to your boy Obama, people have gotten wise to the fact that Socialist policies don’t work. No matter how “democratic” such policies are. So perhaps ditch the hammer and sickle and you might hold on to a seat or two. You’re welcome. Tomahawk Sold Separately… COREY STALLINGS FRIDAY JUNE 2 2017
Why is it that liberals lie, even when their canards are easily exposed? It's their nature, and they know that the media will cover for them. Barack Obama's most famous lie was about his health care plan, the ACA. He shamelessly repeated that if you like your doctor, you could keep him, if you liked your plan you could keep it and you would save $2,500 per year. See the attached video as proof. But the lies were blatant and harmful. Here are five easily provable falsehoods. 1) Obama Care was supposed to cover everyone. The truth, in 2017, the Obama Care exchange, enrolled only ten million people, So since its enacting, only 16.5 million Americans are enrolled. That's only 5% of the US population. 2) Repealing the ACA will leave 22 million Americans uninsured. The facts are that currently, 28.5 million Americans are uninsured NOW, under Obama Care!!!. Forbes estimates that only 5 million would be uninsured under the GOP plan. 3) Obama Care would provide at least 130,000 new jobs.. But the truth is that it has killed over 10,000 small businesses (20-99 employees) and destroyed 250,000 to 300,000 jobs in the process., costing our economy over $50 billion. 4) Repealing Obama Care, according to Bernie "Santa Claus" Sanders, means that "28,000 Americans every single year could die! That's nine times more than were killed on 9/11, every single year!", --Bernie Sanders, 7/9/17. The facts are much different. Under Obama Care, the US death rate has surged to over 20,000 deaths annually. 5) Final big lie. Obama Care is bending the health care cost downward. Nancy "You have to pass the bill to find out what's in it" Pelosi, claimed that "Health care costs have risen at the slowest rate in 50 years." Huh? In fact, Obama Care has bent the costs precipitously upward, over 36% since it became law. in 2010. The cost of a basic family plan has skyrocketed over 49%. But that won't hurt Pelosi because she made sure that it did not apply to the Democratic Congress, which rammed it through with no time for anybody to read it, and slipped it through on Christmas Eve where it would receive no media coverage. Whether you like Obama Care or not, the fact is that he and his party blatantly lied to you. So why believe him about scandals involving the IRS, Fast & Furious, Benghazi and numerous others? WHY? Journalist Seymour Hersh Claims Seth Rich Was Wikileaks Source
News Commentary By Rusty | Featured Contributor | August 2, 2017 10:47AMPulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh claims that Seth Rich reached out to Wikileaks and set up a DropBox account with “an extensive sample” of DNC emails that they were later able to access. Rich was a DNC staffer who was later murdered during what police claim was a botched robbery. A lawsuit filed by Rod Wheeler, private investigator for the Rich family, contains a tidbit provided by GOP financier Ed Butowsky, in which he claims Hersh told him of a ‘purported FBI report establishing that Seth Rich sent emails to WikiLeaks.’ In leaked audio of a phone call between the journalist and Butowsky, Hersh’s own words confirm that the report exists. Via Big League Politics: In an audio recording provided to Big League Politics by a source that currently wishes to remain anonymous, journalist Seymour Hersh confirms that Seth Rich had contacted WikiLeaks with sample emails from the leak. Hersh cites an FBI document as proof for his claim. “There are no DNC or Podesta emails that exist beyond May 21 or 22, last email from either one of those groups. What the report says is that some time in late Spring… he makes contact with WikiLeaks, that’s in his computer,” he says. “Anyway, they found what he had done is that he had submitted a series of documents — of emails, of juicy emails, from the DNC.” Hersh explains that it was unclear how the negotiations went, but that WikiLeaks did obtain access to a password protected DropBox where Rich had put the files. This is devastating news to the left’s ‘Russia hacked the DNC’ narrative, despite the media’s focus on other aspects of the lawsuit. You can listen to the conversation below … The conversation also hints that Rich was concerned for his personal safety, sharing the DropBox account with a few trusted friends. Conspiracy theorists have questioned the official police report of Rich’s death being due to a botched robbery. “The word was passed, according to the NSA report, he also shared this DropBox with a couple of friends, so that ‘if anything happens to me it’s not going to solve your problems,'” Hersh stated. “WikiLeaks got access before he was killed.” If you’re wondering about the credibility of Hersh, it should be noted that aside from being a Pulitzer and Polk award winner, leftist media outlets such as Alternet and Salon often use him as a reliable and credible source. He was awarded multiple merits for exposing the Abu Ghraib scandal. There is little reason for the media to ignore this story, other than to protect the carefully crafted Russia narrative they’ve been inundating American with for months now. |
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